Acrobat ants are small ants, usually about 1/8 inch long, and reddish-brown to black in color. They have distinctive heart-shaped or round abdomens, which they often raise over their thoraces and heads in a "flag-waving" posture, especially when disturbed—hence the name "acrobat” ants. They have slender bodies with long legs and antennae and a noticeable, smooth appearance without any spines on their thorax.
Acrobat ants typically nest in wood, often inside rotting trees or wooden structures. Look for them in logs, under dead branches, under tree bark, in leaf litter, and beneath mulch. They’ll nest mostly in wall or floor voids, close to rooms with food, moisture, or both. You’re also likely to find them near trash receptacles as they are attracted to the decaying food inside.
It is easier to ask what acrobat ants don’t eat. They aren’t picky eaters. They’ll consume pretty much anything that is considered food. Outdoors, they’ll eat insects (alive and dead), nectar in flowers, honeydew, and other natural food sources. They’ll also get into trash receptacles and feed on leftovers around outdoor grills. Indoors, they’ll feed on honey stuck to a container, sugar granules on a shelf, bread crumbs under a toaster, syrup on a dirty plate, pet food, and more. If given plentiful food options, acrobat ants will gravitate to sweet foods as they have a bit of a sweet tooth.
Although not a significant concern, acrobat ants have the potential to harm humans and damage property. While they can deliver unpleasant stings, they rarely sting people or pets. This ant species may carry and transmit germs from unsanitary locations onto counters, cutting boards, dishes, stored foods, etc. Exposure to these germs can cause stomach ailments. Another concern is that acrobat ants get into decayed cavities in structural wood and add to the damage as they excavate. The damage they cause is not nearly as destructive as carpenter ants or termites.
While only mildly harmful, these ants are terrible house guests. It is best to address them as soon as you notice ant activity.
Acrobat ants can crawl up walls, walk across ceilings, and enter through the tiniest gaps. But, while they can scale the entire exterior of your home, they are more likely to enter through foundation or first-floor entry points. Here are some potential entry points to consider:
Few holes are too small for these ants to use as an entry. They'll find their way in if they can find a path to interior spaces. The best way to keep them out is with routine exterior pest control treatments. Contact Termio Pest Control for assistance.
These ants are attracted to any property that provides ideal living conditions. Here are a few examples to consider:
If you start seeing a lot of acrobat ants indoors, you may have an interior nest. If you see an acrobat ant in your home occasionally, it may be a sign of an exterior nest close to your house.
For relief from acrobat ant infestations or other pest problems, contact Termio Pest Control. Our locally owned and operated pest control company offers ongoing home pest control services in Phoenix and surrounding areas. You can count on our team to exterminate ants and prevent them from re-infesting!
Preventing acrobat ants means eliminating the conditions that attract these pests and ensuring they cannot get inside. Here are a few acrobat ant prevention tips to implement around your home:
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